AXP Energy Limited advises that it will be relying on ASX Class Waiver Decision – Extended Reporting and Lodgement Deadlines dated 3 May 2021 and ASIC Corporations Instrument 2020/451 as extended by ASIC Corporations (Amended) Instrument 2020/1080 and ASIC Corporations (Amended) Instrument 2021/315 dated 26 April 2021, to extend the lodgement date for its Audited Full Year Financial Report.
Archives for September 2021
Market Update
AXP Energy Limited reverts to its request for suspension from official quotation September 2021 and Market Update announcement of the same date.
Response to ASX Query Letter
We refer to your letter of 16 September 2021 on the above subject. Please see our responses to each of your queries, as follows:
Disclosure Document – Notice under Section 708A
On 14 November 2018, AXP Energy Limited completed the issue 257,551,591 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company following shareholder approval of the issue of Shares at the general meeting held by the Company on 18 October 2018.
Disclosure Document – Notice under Section 708A
On 21 May 2019, AXP Energy Limited completed the issue 67,188,217 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company following shareholder approval of the issue of Shares at the general meeting held by the Company on 15 May 2019.
Market Update
AXP Energy Limited refers to its request for suspension from official quotation on 16 August 2021 pending the release of a Material Heads of Agreement (HOA) and the Company consulting with ASX re application of the Listing Rules to the HOA.
HOA signed to establish in situ Well site power generation
AXP Energy Limited is pleased to announce that it has signed a Binding Heads Agreement with Wyoming and Washington state-based Elite Mining Inc. to provide gas to EMI’s in-situ power generation for the large and growing cryptocurrency mining sector in the United States.
August Revenue steady at A$1.8m
AXP Energy Limited is pleased to update shareholders on revenue performance for August with the Company recording net revenue (being revenue after royalties) of approximately A$1.8M in for the month (July 2021: $1.8M).